In a world where investors are flooded with many choices and investment routes, picking the path that aligns perfectly with your needs can be daunting. That’s where goals-based investing comes to your rescue.

Goals-based investing is a unique investment strategy focusing on realising specific financial milestones. Whether you’re amassing funds for retirement, planning to purchase a dream home or earmarking savings for your child’s education, this approach will enable you to plan toward achieving your goals.


It would be best to establish clear, concise and detailed financial goals to steer your finances in the right direction. These aren’t just markers of your journey and the rewards of your diligent efforts.

Remember, if it’s not written, it’s just a wish. So, jot them down.


Sharper vision: Investing with a specific target sharpens your understanding of what’s required to reach that milestone. It keeps you on track and enables you to make informed investment decisions.

Long-term perspective: Goals-based investing encourages you to keep your eyes on the horizon, not getting swayed by short-term market turbulence. It helps you stay invested for the long haul, preventing impulsive decisions that could derail your financial journey.

Bolstered discipline: Having a distinct goal fosters disciplined investing – a key to long-term success.

Boosted motivation: A tangible goal fuels your motivation, inspiring you to stay committed even when the going gets tough.

But to achieve all your targets, you’ll need a well-defined plan. Starting with the assets you possess, you’ll need to calculate how much more you need to amass and when you’ll need it.


Setting goals isn’t a one-size-fits-all exercise. However, adhering to some fundamental principles can put you on the right path. The first step is to crystallise what you aim to achieve. This might seem straightforward, but investing time in contemplating your objectives is crucial. What are your immediate aims? What about your long-term aspirations? Once you’ve homed in on your targets, you must establish realistic and achievable goals. That means framing goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART).

Specific: Your financial and personal goals should be precise to provide clear direction. Think of your goals as a beacon illuminating your path – the brighter the light, the clearer the journey ahead.

Measurable: Set realistic deadlines. Incorporating specific dates, amounts, etc. helps quantify your progress and visualise the finish line.

Attainable: Be truthful with yourself and set realistic goals. Start with the objectives that top your priority list. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, so begin with simple steps.

Relevant: Align your goals with your life’s intended direction. Striking a balance between long-term and short-term goals will provide the focus you need.

Time-bound: Having an end date allows you to celebrate when you achieve your goal. Setting deadlines instils a sense of urgency that’s missing in open- ended goals.


Every goal should have an assigned amount, investment period, risk level and priority order. Do you have the means to make additional investments to gather the required assets to achieve your goals? Additionally, pay attention to the impact of taxes on your savings and investments.

After considering these factors, you can accomplish some goals more quickly or take longer than expected. The time horizon plays a crucial role in setting realistic goals.

Need help setting financial goals?

To find out more, contact us we look forward to hearing from you.


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