INTRODUCING THE PENSION HUB I Everything about pensions, retirement, and more.

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When we begin our working lives, retirement seems a long way off and not worth worrying about for a while. But as we get older and we start making plans, we realise that had we started preparing a little earlier, we’d be much closer to making it retirement a reality.

But wherever you are on your life journey, it’s never too soon to start thinking about retirement, whether you intend for that be aged 55, 60, 65, 70 or at some other milestone.

Getting started together

Your retirement isn’t simply a case of matching a date to a specific plan. No two people have identical circumstances or dreams. And retirement is as much about your lifestyle as the state of your investments. It’s all about choice. You may wish to retire early and be happy to live off a small pension. Others may feel they need significantly more to enjoy life after work.

So you can start with a free, initial consultation where we’ll ask you what you want, what your current plans are and what state your pensions and investments are in.

With that information at hand we can give you a sense of your:

  • Retirement Opportunities – where does that balance of retirement age and pension size sit?
  • Retirement Age – when can you do what you want without needing to work any more
  • Retirement Income – literally, how much will you get on an annual basis

Your bespoke retirement plan

With your input from that meeting and our understanding of your needs, we can go away and create a tailored plan for you. It will draw together your investments, your current income, and your expenditure. It will look at where you want to be and how much you need to save. It will draw-in repayment of debt, potential changes in salary (or dividends) and potential market movements.

All-in-all it will enable us to predict what’s possible for you and the best way to get there. And we will continue to review it moving forward so you can be sure that it remains as relevant and effective as possible.

Are You Aware of Your Financial Issues And Opportunities?

Did you know that 39% of UK adults (20.3 million) don’t feel confident managing their money; yet many are unaware of their financial issues and opportunities.

Why Many Struggle To Make The Right Financial Decisions

Do you struggle with making the right financial decisions? If so, you are not alone. As Hamzah Shalchi and Elliott Parkhouse discuss in this week's podcast, it is often difficult to have a long-term outlook on your finances unless you have an immediate issue to address.

Don't Speculate. Start Planning Your Financial Future

The media will lead you to believe in the latest investment fad or get-rich-quick opportunity. However, historical data shows us that speculation is never the answer. Speculation and investment forecasting is largely attributed to luck rather than skill.

ready to begin your journey?
Letter H

Let’s Make Headway

Yes, there’s a lot to take into account. And there are no easy short-cuts. Which is why we’d love to start making Headway. Let’s get talking and develop a financial plan built entirely around your needs and plans for the future.

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