How many times have you heard the phrase “Your health is your wealth”? And have you ever properly stopped to consider its full implications?

As a personal trainer and strength coach I often hear from people whose working lives have played havoc with both their brains and bodies, and even when they’re sitting in front of me, there’s fear and reluctance to spend the amount of time and effort required of them to start to address these issues.

Our hustle and grind mentality seems to have backfired somewhat, to the point where so many of us are afraid that taking the time out to focus on our health and well-being makes us look lazy or unproductive. However, in my years of experience, my clients who are the most productive, sharp-thinking and revolutionary leaders tend to be those who are able to take some time out from their busy working lives and invest in their health.

Here are just a few reasons why a healthy mind and body can build you a financially sound future which you can still enjoy into your golden years.

People buy into confident people, and physical strength and confidence in your well-being allows you to walk into any room and look people dead in the eye and hold your head high. Unlike training to be thin, or just to look good in your suit; strength training literally builds you your physical foundations. The process it took to get you there will have taken grit and mental toughness, and those qualities are exactly the same as those required of successful business-people.

Strength training boosts testosterone production, which believe it or not is hugely beneficial to both men and women. Some of the many known benefits are: decreased body fat, improved verbal memory and mathematical reasoning and improved mood.

“If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.” Source unknown.

We all know people whose health apparently starts to fall apart in their fifties and sixties; a time when they should be starting to kick back and enjoy the fruits of their labour. But it’s the lack of investment in their health rather than simply their age which has led to this. The cost of then taking time away from a business at this crucial stage can have a devastating effect on a lifetime of hard work.

And finally, sport and exercise is a great way to switch off from the stresses of work and home life. You take time out to breathe deeply, connect with your physical being, and get your heart and lungs open and active.

Many people find that their brains are more productive following training sessions, and it’s easy to see why. They are surrounded by people from all walks of life with common passions doing inspirational and exciting things with their lives.

–  Mayyah Blair